Allgemein English articles Posamente Recherche Wikinger

Detailed look at the posament braid Birka P2

I have taken on a posament project, the interpretation of a headdress after Birka grave 798. The drawing of the excavation shows how several posament braids were around the skull. The reconstruction of the braid P1 is no problem and I have already made several braids of this type. But the braid P2 caused me […]

English articles Posamente Wikinger

A closer Look at the Posament Knot P16b

When I started making posaments some 10 years ago no high-resolution photographs of the original finds were available. There were the black and white images from Birka III and low-resolution photographs published by the SHM on their online database. All those images lacked the details to see the exact braiding of the wires. My reproductions […]

English articles

Plait from the Hedeby apron dress fragment

This is the english version of an article I wrote a while ago. The fragment of an apron dress found in Hedeby has a plait braided from six threads in red and yellow sewn over a tuck. A black and white photograph and a reconstruction sketch can be found in the book „Die Textilfunde aus dem […]